FAQ:Compiling 11

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Why does 'make test' skip five tests?

You mean T053agentv1trap, T054agentv2ctrap, T055agentv1mintrap, T056agentv2cmintrap and T113agentxtrap?

These tests rely upon functionality in the NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB which is not implemented in the default agent configuration. To include these tests, invoke the `configure` script to include '--with-mib-modules="examples/example".

  1. How do I control the environment used to compile the software?
  2. How do I control the environment used to compile the software under Windows?
  3. Why does the compilation complain about missing libraries?
  4. How can I reduce the memory footprint?
  5. How can I reduce the installation footprint or speed up compilation?
  6. How can I compile the project for use on an embedded system?
  7. How can I compile the project to use static linking?
  8. Why does 'make test' skip various tests?
  9. Why does 'make test' complain about a pid file?