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Net-SNMP Meeting
Previous: | 2011-01-31 |
Next: | 2011-03-21 |
This is the meeting agenda/notes for the Meeting held on 2011-02-21.
Date and Time: 2011-02-21 20:00 UTC
- Next Meeting
- Mar 21st has been selected
- Releases
- 5.5.1
- 5.5.1.rc1 out, 5.5.1.rc2 out later in the week
- Unanswered: Niels' has a set of IPv6 fixes for *BSD; what should they go in? (see below)
- 5.3 closing?
- 5.4 pushing out another?
- dts12 will push both
- 5.5.1
- Administrative
- Technical
- Testing
- hardaker will be moving some of the code tests into a test-suite directory and adding more
- discussion surrounding c99: consensus seems to be ANSI only and don't assume architecture specific files can hold improved C features because it's inconsistent
- Feature Marking and Selection
- Checkin likely this week
- lots of changes and marking of bunches of functions
- *BSD IPv6 fixes
- Niels has a bunch of changes to fix IPv6 on the *BSD systems
- mostly because of the changing code bases (BSD and Net-SNMP both)
- will push into trunk and 5.6 for now
- Windows Builds
- dts12 started looking into it, needs more information'
- bvassche is testing multiple combinations of options and compilers somewhat regularly
- RPMs
- SVN vs GIT
- slow migration proposed last time ; community split between which is better
- hardaker asks if anyone has more experience with it yet
- bvassche> I'm getting more and more used to git and I'm starting to love it more and more.
- dts12 hasn't played yet; wants to wait at least till after 5.2/5.3
- Wes selects april as the decision month (ish)
- bvassche provides a nice link on issues importing from svn
- hardaker notes that git will provide better tracking of external patch submissions
- makerelease source has moved to github
- 5.5.x branch architecture
- Testing
- Round Table