[2015/06/22 12:31:17] #net-snmp <MTecknology> On Debian systems, when I create an SNMPv3 user, I see the line '''usmUser 1 3 0x80001f888080e7800623c0bb5200000000 "authPrivUser" "authPrivUser" NULL . 0xba154eb8b2059968afeae3146d2f1b72 . 0xef0687703a1d6ebabd20d757bcfbb93b 0x''' being created.
[2015/06/22 12:31:40] #net-snmp <MTecknology> However, on RHEL boxes, that string looks like this: usmUser 1 3 0x80001f88808988b12bac1cd15300000000 0x617574684f6e6c795573657200 0x617574684f6e6c795573657200 NULL . 0xfd8bcfd985986b261b491581ccfd26cb . 0x778aeeab94adb63de385501747a4df70 ""
[2015/06/22 12:32:17] #net-snmp <MTecknology> which means I can't use grep to see if that user was created. Is there a configuration option I can use to make snmpd.conf be filled with the username instead of that interesting string?
[2015/06/22 12:39:44] #net-snmp <MTecknology> I suppose I could grep for 617574684f6e6c795573657200 as long as it'll always be that
[2015/06/22 12:41:44] #net-snmp <MTecknology> ah, just hex. I guess that will work. Irritating, but will work.
[2015/06/22 13:14:38] #net-snmp <fenestro> wow, how old is Debian's net-snmp?
[2015/06/22 13:24:33] #net-snmp <fenestro> or did debian patch snmpusm.c?
[2015/06/22 13:31:56] #net-snmp <fenestro> (arguably, it's a bug to include the trailing NUL in the config file, since it's treated as a C string)